Saturday, July 18, 2009


In today's fast moving life, everybody want's instant success. It is this madness of "winning at every point" thought, that has made the young generation negative in their approach. The rising sucide cases of students in the recent times, have made it clear, that the youth are losing their self belief and confidence in themselves. They consider success only as their "cup of tea". They need to be reminded that failure is a part of life. Infact, it is an important phase, as students come to know their weaknesses and can perform better the next time if they have confidence in themselves. Remember "There are no failures in life, only lessons".
Youth and ambition have always gone hand in hand. Everyone has the desire to achieve both proffessional and personal goals. As a result the younger generation is bending towards spirituality and is being more religious. Worshipping god, celebearting festivals is not a problem, but people are mixing religion and superstition together. The result of which can be seen in the rising craze for tv programmes featuring astrology. The youth is more concerned for their future than their present. The so called religious baba's are also very popular nowdays. People believe them to be the messengers of god, and consult them for their problems. They forget that every problem can be solved by right and positive approach, but not by wearing religious necklaces or rings. They have become so much astray that they even think, that not wearing this stuff would result in failure in the exams or poor performance in the job line.... As a result the Youth are becoming more negative.
At last I would like to say that performing rites and rituals, doesn't makes a person successful but believing in yourself and lots hard work does because god only helps those who help themselves.

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.You are as old as your doubt, your fear, your despair.The way to keep young is to keep your faith young.Keep Your self-confidence young.Keep your hope young.
- Luella F. Phean
Posted on by Abhishek Jain | No comments

something ridiculous about me..

Ok so wat can possibly happen that im finally adding posts? well as usual NOTHING. Im so bored in life that I can count how many mosquitoes bit me( 46?). So I have exams coming up in like 1 week and being the same loyal person when it comes to studies I am totally unprepared.and what happen in exam ...let see..! god i want some munnabhai tricks....plz help me
Posted on by Abhishek Jain | No comments


These some days have devastated my inner soul and the only conclusion that I came to going through all the turmoils in my life was that "EDUCATION" has killed "HUMANITY" in all its forms.

I don't carry any dreams like traveling around world and earning lots of money now. I met people hugely educated and richly rich but with a heart which just beats without any rhythm. It was thoroughly surprising for me to see people running away from the help that they can render just to spend some more time to work so that they could increase their bank balance and further more the greatest excuse nowadays... "RECESSION"... It was an economic recession I think, but now I find a crisis of humanity.

The economic recession may improve but the lack of humanity can never be. EDUCATION HAS KILLED THE SOUL OF BEING A HUMAN BEING.

What will I gain joining a big multinational company?

If this is how my life will be structured then I need to get out of the dreams of working high and earning higher. Better to stay in a small village with few people around and have humanity alive so that I could provide help to anyone in need.
Posted on by Abhishek Jain | No comments

Friday, July 10, 2009

Rain n all thats...

The weather in Jaipur's gotten so amazing.... a huuuge relief from the heat....however the roads are full of traffic jams and now it takes me double the time to get home from work :((

Rains and I have a history ...I don't remember if I've already discussed that...
Ever since I can remember, I used to HATE rains.... seriously.... Rains made me so gloomy...and so lonely, as I grew up....
that changed, however, and I don't really know when or why...
I would assume that it was because of a certain romantic association.... but Its not so, I hated rains then too.... but all of a sudden, I started to like it when it was drizzling....I started to enjoy standing in the rain and looking up at the sky...
even today, when it wasn't raining so heavily, I went outside my room and bought a 'bhutta' a( roasted corn )...its really popular in north India...
but then I remembered that the corn fibres always get stuck in my teeth, and I hate that! So I ate the thing really carefully, but to no avail... the taste is amazing, but it gets so yeeuch afterwards, with the fibres ..anywho, the status now is:
I don't hate the rains...although I don't love them either.
I do enjoy a light drizzle, though.
Rains no longer make me gloomy.... but oddly, when it rains, I kinda feel that I WANT to be sad..... that I want to feel what I felt earlier....a memory maybe? ..I just can't understand why....
Rains also make me want to sit next to a window, with a hot cup of coffee... with a good book perhaps...
Its amazing when the water's streaming down the glass....almost beautiful..

Have to end abruptly.....gotta wake up early tom....