Saturday, July 18, 2009


In today's fast moving life, everybody want's instant success. It is this madness of "winning at every point" thought, that has made the young generation negative in their approach. The rising sucide cases of students in the recent times, have made it clear, that the youth are losing their self belief and confidence in themselves. They consider success only as their "cup of tea". They need to be reminded that failure is a part of life. Infact, it is an important phase, as students come to know their weaknesses and can perform better the next time if they have confidence in themselves. Remember "There are no failures in life, only lessons".
Youth and ambition have always gone hand in hand. Everyone has the desire to achieve both proffessional and personal goals. As a result the younger generation is bending towards spirituality and is being more religious. Worshipping god, celebearting festivals is not a problem, but people are mixing religion and superstition together. The result of which can be seen in the rising craze for tv programmes featuring astrology. The youth is more concerned for their future than their present. The so called religious baba's are also very popular nowdays. People believe them to be the messengers of god, and consult them for their problems. They forget that every problem can be solved by right and positive approach, but not by wearing religious necklaces or rings. They have become so much astray that they even think, that not wearing this stuff would result in failure in the exams or poor performance in the job line.... As a result the Youth are becoming more negative.
At last I would like to say that performing rites and rituals, doesn't makes a person successful but believing in yourself and lots hard work does because god only helps those who help themselves.

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.You are as old as your doubt, your fear, your despair.The way to keep young is to keep your faith young.Keep Your self-confidence young.Keep your hope young.
- Luella F. Phean
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