Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A New Me

I can't believe I am writing this. There had always been a fear in me to express out myself. Not that I never tried it or faced a failure attempting to express myself. But more than that it was due to a belief that one is responsible for his own actions and thus involving someone else in the process would unnecessarily violate the eternal law of universe. Yes, I actually believed in such things and thus created an air of loneliness around me. Trying not to complicate things I ended making things difficult for those who cared for me.

Its not that I have become an extrovert overnite but that I have realised the importance of expressions which are so inherently a fundamental to our existence as a social being. Hope I live up to the expectations of all the people who have stood by me through the rough times. I have always cared for you. But its just that I never told you. And thats what you will see in the new me.
Posted on by Abhishek Jain | No comments


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